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Brushable waterproofing mortar for walls, floors, basements and roofs

Brushable, cementitious waterproofing mortar with excellent adhesion. It fully waterproofs surfaces it is applied on and allows for their breathability. Suitable for positive and negative hydrostatic pressure applications of up to 7 Atm, per DIN 1048. Ideal for the exterior waterproofing of basements and walls, before backfilling or even post backfill, interior applications, after the plaster is removed up to the moisture marks. Apply it on basement and ground floors to prevent rising damp and on slopped roofs, before clay roofing tile installations. Exceptionally durable to extreme weather conditions. It presents long-term waterproofing protection to surfaces made of concrete and cement screeds, bricks, cement blocks, aircrete, etc. The addition of improving admixtures of DUROSTICK into the mixing water improves its flexibility and overall mechanical strength. Classified as product for surface protection of concrete surfaces (c) per EN 1504-2.
Product Details
- Consumption
1.0-1.3kg/m²/mm thick coat
- Packaging
5kg, 25kg
- Color
Gray, white