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Hydrostop Floor
Brushable, fiber-reinforced floor waterproofing mortar

Fiber-reinforced, brushable cementitious mortar that protects from water absorption lightweight insulating material, that will be later covered with cement screeds. That protection is essential especially when the insulating material surfaces have cracks or they are brittle and dusting. Penetration points, like cracked grout joints around tiles and marble, will cause the soaking of lightweight insulations, storing water in their mass. It is absolutely necessary before the installation of tiles and marble, to waterproof substrates in swimming pools, bathrooms and showers, balconies, as well as terraces and aircrete. Apply it easily using an emulsion brush, the STYLING ROLLER 22cm of DUROSTICK or the flat side of a notched trowel, in 2-3 crosswise coats. Classified as product for surface protection of concrete surfaces (c) per EN 1504-2.
Product Details
- Consumption
1.3kg/m²/mm thick coat
- Packaging
- Color