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100% Acrylic

Top quality acrylic paint

Aqueous dispersion acrylic paint, suitable for interior but mainly exterior use. Distinguished for its excellent resistance to atmospheric pollutants and adverse weather conditions. Does not saponify. It reduces the possibility of deterioration of the wall structure and the carbonation of concrete from dissolved CO2 & SO2. Ensures high adhesion, coverage and performance. It works easily, dries quickly and maintain its whiteness and colors unaltered. ‘Allows’ for the breathability of the surfaces where it is applied, enabling water vapour to escape. Ideal for the protection and decoration of new and existing surfaces made of plaster and concrete, cement boards, all prefabricated structure elements, etc., provided they are suitably prepared. Use it for any interior spaces that require frequent cleaning of their surfaces, e.g., children’s rooms, spaces exposed to nicotine and tar, public and private offices, hospital areas, dining rooms, etc.

Product Details

  • Coverage

    Approximately 10-12/lt per coat, depending on the texture, the absorbency of the surface and the method of application

  • Packaging

    750ml, 3lt, 10lt

  • Color

    White, Brick red, Gray.
    White can be colored in 120 colors using DUROCOLOR, the Measuring System for Shade Rendering in 20ml syringe packaging. Bases are colored in a wide range of colors through the Color Creation System, COLOR COLLECTION of DUROSTICK.

Product Details