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Microcement for walls and floors

Fiber-reinforced, white or colored microcement. Its formula contains highstrength cement, suitably graded quartz aggregates, special active additives and resins that give the product unbreakable adhesion to the substrate, excellent workability and ultimately a perfect finish surface with high mechanical strength. The microcement DS-250 of DUROSTICK is recommended for use on new or existing floors and walls, for both interior and exterior applications. Recommended for applications on horizontal and vertical surfaces made of concrete, plaster, drywall, cement board and a wide range of others properly prepared, substrates. The addition of the polymer RESIN POWDER of DUROSTICK into the product increases its adhesion to the substrate and the abrasion resistance. DS-250 is colored in its mass by adding the water-soluble pigments coated with vinyl resins in powder form DUROCOLOR POWDER-C in 96 colors, or by broadcasting the pigments directly onto the fresh surface. Create unique styles on the surface of the microcement using the cementitious GROUTS of DUROSTICK, available in 32 colors, as well as the syringes from the Measuring System for Shade Rendering DUROCOLOR. Quantities over 250kg, approximately line 35m², can be delivered factory colored.
Classified PCC R2 per EN 1504-3.
Product Details
- Consumption
7kg/m² per 5mm thick coat.
- Packaging
- Color
12 colors